A hemorrhoidectomy is the name given to a well known surgery that is used to remove hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoidectomys are usually used as a last resort to hemorrhoid treatment. They may be recommended when very large hemorrhoids are present, when severe discomfort and pain is caused, or when all other methods such as natural hemorrhoid cures have not cured the hemorrhoids. General and spinal anesthesias are usually applied to minimize pain felt during surgery.
The process of hemorrhoid surgery is to make cuts around the hemorrhoidal tissue in order to remove it. To limit the bleeding, the veins which are inside the hemorrhoid are knotted prior to the hemorrhoid being removed. The hemorrhoid wound can be left open or closed depending on the patients desires. A medicated gauze is often used to cover the wound post surgery.
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After hemorrhoid surgery, most patients will be able to return home immediately. Some however, such as older people, women who are pregnant, people with other medical conditions, those who live far from the hospital, and those without any help or supervision at home may require lengthy hospital stays. Recovery usually takes between 2 " 4 weeks but can take longer depending on the severity of the operation and the patients physical health at the time.
Serious bowel damage is possible after hemorrhoid surgery. Some patients really struggle to regain proper bowel function due to damage caused during the removal of the hemorrhoid. Severe pain during recovery is the other reason that hemorrhoidectomys are used as a last resort.
Natural hemorrhoid cures are usually advised for sufferers of internal hemorrhoids. H Miracle is one product that has cured thousands and thousand of hemorrhoid sufferers and also offers rapid pain relief. Find out more about H Miracle now.
Natural hemorrhoid cures can treat almost all types of hemorrhoids when used appropriately. Hemorrhoidectomy's are a very serious form of treatment and as such should be fully understood (especially the risks and side effects) before being undertaken.
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