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Hemorrhoid Pain

Treat Hemorrhoids NaturallyHemorrhoid pain is a problem for around 4% of Americans and millions more people worldwide every year. Even though hemorrhoids is a relatively common illness, many people are still unsure exactly what hemorrhoids are and what causes hemorrhoids. The following article will hopefully answer some of your questions about hemorrhoids and help you to understand more about hemorrhoids.

What is a Hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids are inflamed veins that occur in the anal canal or just outside the anus opening. The can be internal or external and in some cases can cause severe pain.

What causes Hemorrhoid Pain?

Hemorrhoid pain is the result of swelling or inflammation of the veins in and around the anal canal. These veins swell when too much pressure is applied and eventually supporting tissues can no longer hold them and they form “sacs” or “bags” which are known as hemorrhoids.

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Internal and External Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids form on the inside of the anal canal while external hemorrhoids form under the skin on the outside of the anal canal around the anus. Hemorrhoid pain is generally worse in external hemorrhoids than internal hemorrhoids however internal hemorrhoids can still be very unpleasant at times. Internal hemorrhoids often bleed and this is usually one of the first signs that lead to diagnosis. The worst form of hemorrhoid pain comes due to thrombosed hemorrhoids which are a form of external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are often itchy and it’s not uncommon for them to bleed.

Am I likely to get hemorrhoids?

About 50% of all Americans suffer some form of hemorrhoids at some stage in their lifetime. Hemorrhoids are most common in people aged between 45-65 years and occur equally in males and females. A few common factors do increase the chance of hemorrhoids occurring, the main ones include:

  • Pregnancy – pressure on blood vessels increases during pregnancy and the strain of giving birth can cause hemorrhoids.
  • Being overweight
  • Diet – diets low in fiber can lead to constipation which can cause hemorrhoids
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Lack of exercise

Hemorrhoid Prevention

The best ways to prevent hemorrhoids include:

  • Regular Exercise – 15 minutes per day is fine (exercise improves digestion, poor digestion is another factor that leads to hemorrhoids)
  • High Fiber Diet – Try to include a lot of foods high in fiber in your diet. Fruit and vegetables are good.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water per day – Water is a natural stool softener and will help you avoid constipation.
  • Avoid Straining while passing the stool and when lifting heavy weights.

Hemorrhoid Treatment

Treatments for hemorrhoid pain are varied but the main ones can be split into three groups.

  • Surgical Treatments
  • Cream and lotion treatments
  • Natural treatments

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids can be very painful, especially procedures such as hemorrhoidectomy’s. These operations cost upwards of US$1000 and recovery can often take up to 4 weeks. Surgical removal should be reserved for extreme cases of hemorrhoids.

A wide range of creams and lotions exist specifically designed to treat hemorrhoid pain. The vast majority of these cream’s work as temporary solutions however and don’t provide lasting results. In order to cure hemorrhoid pain effectively the core problem needs to be address, not just the symptoms of hemorrhoid’s which is what so many creams focus on. Creams can sometimes be effective for reducing swelling but shouldn’t be expected to give permanent results.

We highly recommend natural hemorrhoid treatments which in most cases provide fast and effective treatment of hemorrhoids as well as good hemorrhoid pain relief. The best product on the market detailing exactly how to cure hemorrhoids naturally is H Miracle, a guide written by Holly Hayden. This is a best selling book which also comes with an audio package and expert support included. We have tested this product and found phenomenal results. To find out more about H Miracle or to get your copy, visit the H Miracle website now.

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